Selasa, 31 Januari 2012



If you feelbored with the natural attractions that are only showingthe beauty of nature, in the State of China there is a city called Xinjiang that will offer tourist place full of mystery because in this region there is a city called Devil Moguicheng or city where there are baseball/ ancient palacea very mysterious. When you visit this area you will not find beautiful places orgood games butyou will findancient castles are full of mystery whichhas thousands of years into unsolved mysteries and the main attraction of this place. If you visitduring the day sunnyand hot withwind gusts ofbreeze, you will hear a bell sound 10 million or 10 millionwho play the same guitar that is not clear where it came from, but when the winds begin to blow the sound will be howling wolf, crybaby or the wail of the wolf. Anomalies is exactly what makes this place a very attractivetourist place and will not be forgotten.

Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012

Gong cave

Gong cave

Gong Cave is situated in the hamlet Pule, Bomo Village, District Punung, Pacitan about 30 km from the town of Pacitan, can be achieved with either two-wheel motor vehicles and four wheels. Gong Cave Named because according to stories from local people, from inside this caveevery so often you hear a sound that resembles Gong(Gong is a musical instrument tradisiolal Indonesia). This cave is one of the flagship attractions Pacitan, even according to some foreign tourists and researchers mention that Gong Cave is a cave with stalactiteand stalagmite of the most beautiful in Southeast Asia. Cave This cave is horizontal with a length of about 256 meters, the cave there are stalactite, cone-shaped limestone rocks inthe cave ceiling and stalagmites, limestone rockthat stands at the base of hundreds of years old.

Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

Jatijajar Cave

Jatijajar Cave

Jatijajar Cave isa tourist attraction located in the Village Jatijajar, District Father, or 42 kmwest of Kebumen. This cave was discovered by a farmerwho owns the land above the cave was aNamed "Jayamenawi" at a time jayamenawi're looking for grass, he suddenly fellinto a hole which turned the ventilation holesare Cave, the cave door was still covered by soiland after the land was disposed of before seen two teak trees are parallel, therefore the cave called the cave Jatijajar. Inside the cave there are many Jatijajar Stalagmites andalso Pillar orPillar of Limestone, which is a meeting between the stalactite with Stalagmites. All of these deposits formed from dropletsof rain that has been reacted with limestonerocks that penetrate. According to research by experts, for the formation of stalactite it takes a very long time. Within one year of stalactite formation is only as thick as the thickest one (1) cm only. Therefore Jatijajar Caveis a cave Limestonewhich is very old. This cave has an average width of 15 meters andan average height of 12 meters, the length from the entrance to the exit while the damis 250 meters ceilingsaverage 10 feet.

Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Tanjung Benoa

Tanjung Benoa

Tanjung Benoa is a touristattraction, which provide the most comprehensive water on the  Bali island, situated at the southern tip of Bali islandor in the District of Tanjung Benoa, Badung regency, can be in use for about 20 minutes from NgurahRai Airport, Bali. This place is very suitable for water tourism because of the calm sea conditionsand different from the beaches of Kuta, Sanuror Uluwatu, activityin this area began around 8 am until 12am, because after 12 o'clock in the morning, the sea will recede and you can not enjoy water games are very interesting. Some of the games available hereare Jetsky, BananaBoat, Parasailing, Paragliding, Scuba Diving, snorkeling, canoeing, Flying Fish, Glassbottom, and you can ridea boat to go to Turtle Island and see the hawksbill turtle breeding.

Jumat, 20 Januari 2012

Garuda Wisnu Kencana

Garuda Wisnu Kencana

Garuda Wisnu Kencanais a tourist attraction which is designed and built by Nyoman Nuarta, located on the island of Bali, about 25 Kilometers from Denpasar or 15 Kilometers from the airport of Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali. Garudais the bird GarudaWisnu Kencana Vehicleof Lord Vishnu. Garuda Wisnu Kencana is located on a limestone plateau tinngi padasand stared dipesisirsouthern tourist resort of Bali, this place is a window of art andculture of the island which has a naturalbackground and a very beautiful panoramic and awesome that is expected to be a symbol ofthe balance of nature-based culture. In the concept of Tri Murti of Lord Vishnu whichserved to maintainthe universe and Garuda as the vehicle of Lord Vishnu is the symbol of devotion without pamprih. With an area of
​​250 acres, this place could encapsulate all the culturalactivities of the island of Bali, here visitors can see the monumental grandeurand spiritual kekhusukanwhere all enhancedwith a touch of modern with facilities and servicesappropriate. Amphitheatre with a capacity of 800 seats and first-class acoustic arrangements, an excellent place for art and culturalperformances.

Sipiso-piso Waterfall

Sipiso-piso Waterfall

Sipiso-Piso waterfall is located in North Sumatra province, or rather on the shores of LakeToba, about 24 Kilometers from Kabanjahe, Sipiso-piso waterfall is about 800 meters above sea level. Waterfall flowing down the cutting of green hills covered with pine trees.The word itself means Sipiso-piso "knife" because of the swift flow of water that resembles a knife. This waterfall is the highest in Indonesia with a height of about 120 meters. This waterfall is formed from underground rivers in the plateau karo flowing through a cave on theside of the crater of Lake Toba. Besides enjoying the beautiful scenery airterjun, you can also enjoy the beautiful scenery of Lake Toba

Minggu, 15 Januari 2012

Otanaha fortress

Otanaha fortress
Otanaha means fortress foundby Naha, Nahais a descendant ofKing Gorontalo, the fort was built on the initiative of King Ilato andthe captain Portugal in 1522. Otanaha fort is a tourist attraction located on a hill in the village of Dembe 1, theDistrict of West Town, 8 km from the city of Gorontalo. Otanaha fort has 348 steps to the top of the fruit to the location of the fort, but the number of steps for each port of call is not the same from base to rest stops I have52 steps, tosojourn there are 83 steps II, III to sojourn there 53 steps, and to sojourn IV has 89 steps.While the fortarea there are 71steps, so the total number of steps is 348. To be able to reach this location you can hirebentor (motor rickshaw), because no public transport available, with travel time about 20 minutes.

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012

Dreamland Beach

Dreamland Beach

The name Dreamland made ​​in the name of a beach in the area Pecatu, Jimbaran, Bali, because in ancient times in this areathere was a residential and tourist project, but hindered the development of the project, the community is already hoping to switch professions of farmers into a business in the field of tourism should forget their dreamsbecause the project is not completed, therefore the land in the area were named dream Land. Dreamland beach can be called unique because it surrounded the high cliffs and large rocks. The Next Kuta Beach, this beach is nicknamed, for its beauty, uniqueness and still empty of visitors with white sand and the water is still very clear, you will feel comfortable when visiting this place, the big waves also become a tourist attraction of this beach, especially for those of you who have a hobby of surfing, this place is perfect for water sports, hill located next to the beach you can alsoclimb to see a beautiful sunset.

Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

Pink Beach

Pink Beach

Pink Beach is the name of a beach on the Komodo island, besides NTT Province is famous for the Komodo dragon, Komodo Island also has a beach that isvery unique and beautiful Pink Beach, called the Pink Beachbecause of the color pink sand almost red, according to some sources, the sand Pink Beachin red comes frommicroscopic animals called foraminifera, in addition to the color of pinksand, this beach is also rich in coralreefs and fish ofvarious kinds, there are at least 1000 species of fish, hundreds of coral species, coral, and 70 speciesof sponges live here. For those of you who have a hobby snorkeling, this place is very suitable for the visit, due to the diversity of marine life, but it'syou who like quiet places, this place is very suitable for the visit, because it is still quiet, clean and natural.

Bukit Tigapuluh National Park

Bukit Tigapuluh National Park

Bukit Tigapuluh National Park is a hilly stretch of mountains that separate the rows of hill and is bordered by the provinces jambi, this area also serves as a water catchment area, so many small rivers formed upstream as well as major rivers in the vicinity. The park is also a transition between swamp forest and mountain forest ecosystem with unique and different from other national parks, national parks are located in the province of Riau and Jambi the tropical rain forest ecosystem. This National Park is a place to live for some groups of people native to the island of Sumatra as Talang Mamak, Anak Rimba  and Old Malay, except that in this place there are various types of fauna that Sumatran Tiger, Honey Bear, Tapir, Gibbon, Mouse Deer, Boar and much more other animals,
for here there are types of flowers flora endemic island of Sumatra that is Cendawan Muka Rimau (Rafflesia haseltti).

Senin, 09 Januari 2012

Ujung Kulon National Park

Ujung Kulon National Park

Ujung Kulon NationalPark is located at the westernmost peninsula of the island of Java, this National Park area can be achieved using a boat with the aim of which is one of the smallislands such as islandPeucang, Handeuleum Island, and islandPanaitan. Ujung KulonNational Park is one of the important konserfasi locations in the world, one-horned rhino is thebelle of tourism in this place, besides that there are still deer, antelope, buffalo, various kinds of primates, wild boar, jungle cat, sloth, various species of birds and course of forests in this region are still natural and very beautiful. For those of you who want to stayin this place already available accommodation and if you have not memorizedthe location of this and want to get a detailedexplanation you can also hire a tour guide.

Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

Dua Warna Waterfall

Dua Warna Waterfall

Dua Warna Waterfall is a waterfall with a height of 100 meters with a source of water comes from mountain Sibayak, called Dua Warna waterfallsbecause when the water was flowing down will appear blue and gray because there is content of phosphorus and sulfur which produces the blue color , under the waterfall there is a small lake that bias cure skin diseases because water contains sulfur. A very beautiful waterfall is located in the village of Durin sirugun, Sibayak foothills, north Sumatra or from Medan-Sibolangit about 75 km and from the main door Sibolangit Caravan takes about 2-3 hours to arrive at the waterfall Dua warna, with conditions nature is still awake and still very fresh air you will feel very fresh if the roads leading to this waterfall. If you like adventure I recommend to skip Sibolangit Caravan, new Bandar village, because if it passes the path you will explore a very enchanting forest, to avoid getting lost should you call the guard post and will report to the waterfall Dua Warna and do not forget to ask for help guide

Kamis, 05 Januari 2012


Wakatobi National Park, located in the district of Wakatobi,Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia is one of the most beautiful places in the world, this location has been known since the beginning of the British Expeditionary Wallace in 1995. The underwater beauty of the most prominent in this region, there are at least 750 of a total of 850 species of coral in the world who enjoy the start of the bias on the outskirts of the beach, apart from that stretch of coral reefs are very extensive also the main attraction at the venue where there is 112 type corals from 13 families are accompanied by 93 species of fish, other than that in the Wakatobi there are also several species of sea birds such as cerak melayu, king prawns and goose erasia brown stone in addition you will find several species of sea turtles like turtles crock, and the hawksbill turtle fission. Wakatobi is also save an amazing sight in November that the visit of sperm whales, other than that there is a special fish of tropical waters is the most eye stingray was gigantic, it is very suitable for you who like diving or snorkeling.

Senin, 02 Januari 2012

Tana Toraja

Tana Toraja 
If you are someone who likes to cultural tourism or like things that are unique then it would not hurt if you visit the tourist attraction of this one, Tana Toraja is a region inhabited by the tribe Toraja and still maintain the culture, lifestyle typical and almost similar to the culture of Nias the Austronesian-style living, located in south Sulawesi this attraction worth visiting because this area has some unique and interesting areas including:
Pallawa, is a traditional house or people around tongkonan unique calling from this custom home is a design that uses a there buffalo horns in front of the house   custom. Londa, Tana Toraja is a typical tomb is located on steep rocks and high places where there are caves as place crates bodies arranged according to the family line. Tumnga stone, is a unique area because here there were 56 stone menhirs in a loop with four tree in the central part, of this place you can also see the beauty rantepau and surrounding areas. Lemo, is a unique place and a little   called creepy creepy because this place is often referred to as the home of spirits, in this place you can watch corpses on leave in contact with air, other than that at certain times you watch the ceremony replacement clothes bias the body often called the ceremony of Ma Nene .

Labuhan Jukung Beach

Labuhan Jukung Beach

If you're on vacation in Lampung Province will not complete it if no one visits this place "Labuhan Jukung Beach" a beach with a myriad of beauty, which certainly deserve to visit the beach a very strategic location of the curb of West Sumatra Cross or precisely located Kuri City of West Lampung District of Lampung Province, more or less coast is 250 km from the city of Bandar Lampung is a blend of exotic beaches and the Bukit Barisan National Park, with a strategic location so much people who visited this beach to simply unwind while looking at waves that chased each other with the location of the beach directly opposite the Indian Ocean visited many who came to try the sensation of the waves which is high by surfing, having tired of surfing then it's time you admire the scenery as the sun   sink   light that bounced into the sea as if to change the color of the water into golden wave seemed to be music in the afternoon a liver remedy. Labuhan Jukung beach truly a beautiful beach and is not wrong if you are interested to visit it.

Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Pantar Strait

Pantar Strait of Alor NTT
For those of you who have a hobby of diving may be familiar with underwater Bunaken park or the Raja Ampat, but danger not only that you place you visit, one of the places you should visit is the Pantar Strait of Alor district located in East Nusa Tenggara, even reputedly said the beauty of the beautiful strait that lists different types of second in the World after the Caribbean islands. Underwater park is classified as very varied evidenced by the 26 diving points are biased in the visit and the most beautiful and interesting place to visit is the Shark Close, as the name in this place there are many sharks basis, but do not be afraid of sharks at first because this region can is quite tame and friendly with divers, but the point is another point that is worth to visit Big Alor, a small Alor, also offers dulolong the beauty, the reason that makes the diver from the United States, Australia, England, Holland and some from Asian countries like spare time to see the underwater  Pantar strait.