Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Parangtritis Beach

Parangtritis Beach
Parangtritis the Indian Ocean coast is extremely popular in the city of Yogyakarta, this beach is located in the Village Parangtritis, Kretek district, Bantul regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia or about 25 kilometers south of the city of Yogyakarta, where the traveled by motorcycle from Yogyakarta takes approximately one hour, if you want to use public transport Parangtritis beach you can go to terminal Umbulharjo, to reach the location of this beach there are two routes on offer, namely through the Clove and Imogiri-Siluk, but I'd suggest passing lane because Imogiri-Siluk the way you will pass the King family cemetery and you will also pass through the limestone hills are very beautiful, but require a longer time than the passing lane Kretek, you just need a quick pick up or pass through a longer path but with great views. Parangtritis beach is a very beautiful beach with a gently sloping sand, big waves is characteristic of this beach, but there was a hill next to the beach make this beach used as a place suitable for sports such as paragliding and others, when you visit this beach you can rent horses along the beach or for those of you who have an adventurous spirit you can rent ATV would be more mengasikan. For those of you who like to swim I suggest do not try to swim on this beach because the waves are so big and the wind is blowing pretty hard too, but do not worry for those who want to play water there is available a public bath, including bath Wedang Parang where the water is said to treat various skin diseases due to water containing sulfur, not only that, bagia of you who like to kite you can also play a kite on the beach Parangtritis must be very pleasant and very favorite activities on this beach is seen when the sun goes down, for I suggest you visit this beach during the afternoon. The myth of Nyai Roro south also makes the attraction of this beach, the beach is often performed rituals to honor Nyai Roro south, the Sultan's Palace also makes Parangtritis beach as the location for the holding of ceremonies Labuhan, in addition to the palace of Yogyakarta, local fishermen are also doing the ceremony in certain days, the event made pelarungan offerings and colorful flowers into the sea, many people who believe that Parangtritis beach is a gateway to the supernatural. In spite of it all, As a tourist area, Parangtritis managed either by the Government of Bantul Regency. Starting from any existing facility and around the tourist attractions are well managed.

Jumat, 30 Maret 2012

Borobudur Temple

 Borobudur Temple
Borobudur Temple is located in the district, Magelang regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. Borobudur is derived from and Budur Boro, Boro comes from the Sanskrit word "Byara" which means temple or shrine, while Budur comes from Bali is "beduhur" which means on the Mount. Borobudur was built on a hill with a staircase pyramid shape. The temple is composed of andesite composition of more than 2,000,000 blocks of stone. If we pay attention to this temple from a distance you can see the stupa form, but if we look at the temple is closely you will see the two styles of buildings where the buildings on the main stupa and its basis verupa three round terrace, while the bottom part of the pyramid staircase but the two styles The building is one unit and the whole resembles a stupa.
Stupa in Borobudur temple in accordance with the Buddhist concept of a reflection or a replica of the universe. Borobudur temple is different from most that there is room in it, while the Borobudur temple has no room in it. Borobudur temple building consists of three major parts, the first part is called "Kamadhatu", which describes the nature of human life that has been able to control the passions and symbolized by the foundation. The second section is called "Rupadhatu" which describes the nature of human life that has been able to control the passions, but are still bound by the form. The third section is called "Arupadhatu" which describes the nature of nirvana which is symbolized by the three circular terraces. Borobudur has 504 statues of Buddha. Inside the hollow stupa in three terraces below the main stupa area = 72 pieces called "Wajra Animal". At Borobudur there is relief as much as 1460 pieces depicting scenes and the order of 1212 pieces of decorative relief panel. In order to listen to a story in relief in a row, then you are encouraged to enter the temple through the east door and at every level turn left and left the temple on the right. Actually the original foot of Borobudur or kamandhatu level there are 160 pieces of relief panels that are still closed. These reliefs depict human life is still bound by lust, can we read this story in the book "The Supreme Karma Wibangga". At the level of relief Rupadhatu there is an arrangement which tells the life of Gautama Buddha. Relief or story that is told is called Lalitavistara biography of Gautama Buddha was born. Facilities available at this temple area of ​​which is very adequate, Taman Borobudur Guest House is equipped with lestoran, seminar rooms, library and audio visual story of Borobudur, a museum, a mosque and the urinal is also available in this area.

Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Bejiharjo Tourism Village

Bejiharjo Tourism Village

Bejiharjo Tourism Village is one of the new attractions are located in the Village Bejiharjo, sub Karangmojo, Gunungkidul. Although the tourist area is still relatively new, but Bejiharjo tourist areas have many exciting attractions such as:

1. Cave Tubing Pindul
Cave Tubing Pindul a new attraction that opened in 2011. This cave has a length of about 300  meters on the upper three zones, namely the light zone, the zone of perpetual twilight and dark zones.
2. General Sudirman monument
This monument is to be one sign of a bomb blast at Bejiharjo village, this village was bombed because it includes the route the Great Commander General Sudirman guerrillas.
3. Sokaliman
Sokaliman an archaeological site beradi at this location, the physical manifestation of this site is a collection of rock's rapid arranged according to research this stone is a stone coffin tomb complex.
4. Pindul Cave Tubing
Cave tubing activity is an activity that is rarely found in attractions anywhere in the world, because who could perform this activity is the region of Kars, Goa Pindul aliri by himself in the water, so that tourists who are interested to explore this cave should wear a life jacket and tires rubber, this activity will be a very interesting activity and your adrenaline.

Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

Losari Beach

Losari Beach
Losari is a very popular attraction in the city of Makassar, the beach is located in downtown makasar, namely the Road Comforter, which is located west of the city ofMakassar, South Sulawesi. One of the leading Losari is a very strategic location thatcould be achieved through Sukarno Hatta Airport Makasar by car or motorbike and only takes about 15 minutes and if you are in your Hasanudin Airport it only takes 45 minutesto reach the the beach by car or motorbike. Location at the center of town to make this beach a tourist attraction in who can not miss when you visit the town makasar, which is an icon Losari coastal city of Napier, was once crowned as the beach which has the longest table in the world because of the many vendors who lined the beach , but nowmerchants who once lined the beach has not been in there since the relocation to a better place. Losari has a pavilion with an area of ​​100 m2 is pollution-free, beautiful,clean and convenient to visitors, but visitors were also able to use the facility for free HotSpot and the tourists who are interested in entering the beach area is not charged orfree admission fees. One tourist attraction to visit this beach is the uniqueness of Losaribeach, the tourists can see the sunrise and sunset in the same position, just beforesunset you can enjoy the waves that hit the edge of the beach and if you want to have dinner at the the beach you can order food in a restaurant or diner that is quite uniquebecause it is a floating restaurant aboard the ship that is typical of Napier City "Phinisi",the menu is on offer at the restaurant is quite diverse and relatively the same price withmarket price.

Kamis, 22 Maret 2012

Watu Kodok Beach

Watu Kodok Beach
Watu Kodok beach located in the village Kemadang, Tanjungsari District, Gunung Kidul District, Yogyakarta or located between Sepajang and Drini Beach, to be able to reach this location you can use the bus, if you are from the city of Yogyakarta you can go to the bus terminal by selecting a destination Giwangan Wonosari then proceed up the bus in the direction of Tanjungsari. Watu Kodok means stone frog, but the community does not understand why the beach was named watu Kodok (stone frog), they just know that those who passed was the one who called Watu Kodok as the name for this beach. Watu Kodok beach is still relatively new beach, the beach is only opened as a tourist since 2009, this beach has a variety of all natural beauty is extraordinary, the pounding of the surf beaches are very beautiful when it struck a rock that will make us feel at home amazing watching the waves in beach, white sand that is clean and naturally make us more comfortable to relax and play the waves on the beach.

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Socotra island

Socotra island
Socotra Island is located in the state of Yemen, Socortra name comes from Sanskrit is "sukhadhara dvipa" which means happiness. These islands have an area 379 km with a population of about 43 thousand inhabitants, the island is very unique, exotic, mysterious, and only one in the World teutama on the flora and fauna that will make you feel like in prehistoric times. One cause of its unique flora and fauna on the beach is probably the climate and geology that have different characteristics to the islands in the world, there are many plants on the island is one of them is Dragon Blood tree (Dracanea aCinnabari) is a typical icon of the island of Socotra this, according to the belief that local people, the sap of the tree is biased treat various diseases, but it's still there other unique plants such as giant plants Dorstenia, pomegranate socorta (punica protopunica) and Dendrosicyos, while the unique fauna found on the island include birds incana incana, Socotra Bird singer, Brother Onychognathus Socotra Starling, Socotra Sunbird Nectarinia Balfour, Socotra Sparrow Passer insularis and Socotra Grosbeak Rhynchostruthus Socotranus. As for the type of mammals are found here, only bats are native of this island.

Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Roraima Mount

Roraima Mount
Roraima Mount is unique and there are mountains in the State of Venezuela, the mountain is said to be unique and exceptional because the mountain has a flat surface and there are not many plants, very different from the mountains in general, on top of this mountain there are no crops because rainfall very high, to be able to reach the summit of this mountain there are two ways, the easiest is to climb the stairs that had been made ​​by the government of Venezuela, at least 5-6 days in poor time for those of you who want to explore this mountain, for those of you who like to climb you want the challenge of climbing and hiking through the bias have been provided. Im Thurn and Perkins were the first to successfully climb this mountain in December 18, 1884.
Mount Roraima also has a uniqueness to others is if you've arrived at the top of the mountain looks like Mount Roraima is located in the cloud and the mountain is also home to rare carnivore plants.

Meteor Crater United States

Meteor Crater United States
Attractions: Meteor Crater is located about 69 Km east Flagstaff, adjacent to Winslow in northern Arizona desert of the United States, formed of nickel-iron meteorite with an area of ​​approximately 54 meters of a meteor crater The impact resulted in the formation of an extraordinary, meteor crater is thought to be formed around 50,000 years ago when the local climate in the highlands of Colorado still dingain, at that time the area is the Meteor crater in open grassland with trees and adorned by the incoming events during the Pleistocene

Rabu, 14 Maret 2012

Japan indoor Beach (Japan's Ocean Dome)

Japan indoor Beach (Japan's Ocean Dome)

Japan indoor Beachlocated in the city Miyszaki, about 1,200 miles from the center of Tokyo, Japan indoor Beacahcan be found in Japan's Ocean Dome, Japan indoor Beach is the only indoor Beach in the world today. This place is very similar to a natural beach, ranging fromthe salty waterand blue, evenhere there are also ombat as found ona natural beach, exceptthat here there are also volcanoes, sandy beaches are very clean and the most uniqueis a volcano here bias spit out a falsefire every hour. Japan's Ocean Dome has aretainer 300 metersand 100 meterswide and holdsas much water as 13 500 tons of water. Forbias to enter this place visitors are chargedonly $ 50 foradults, paying $ 10 for over two hours with a boogieboard, or pay$ 5 for twohours rented inner tube.

Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Pangandaran Beautiful beach

Pangandaran Beautiful beach 
Pangandaran Beach is located in the District of Pangandaran, Ciamis regency, West Java Province, Indonesia, if you are from Bandung or you can take the route around through Bandung regency, headed Tasikmalaya and Pangandaran with the distance of about 236 Km or can be in use from the city of Yogyakarta with route Yogyakarta, heading south past the point of Cilacap, then past the Banjar and Pengandaran with the distance of about 385 km. The beach is well worth the visit even on Pangandaran beach out 2008 became one of favorite tourist sites in Indonesia, one of the unique coastal location pangandran is flanked by two small hills that make the scenery is very beautiful, gently sloping white sand beach also makes this very suitable for playing beach volleyball or soccer. For those of you who like fishing coco Pangandaran be the place for such activities.

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

Kailasa Museum

Kailasa Museum

Kailasa museum located on the Dieng plateau Festival, or are in the temple complex Gatotkaca, thismuseum contains artifactsand sharing geologicaldescription of the agricultural arts trust, flora, fauna and archaeologicalheritage of the DiengPlateau. When we visited the Dieng plateau, then you should not miss this place because of its location across the streetto the temple complex Gatotkaca. Kailasa nameitself comes from the name of one mountain in the trust as a place to live Lord Shiva, the reason for naminghis own Kailasa DiengPlateau archaeological much dominated theworship of Lord Shiva can be in the know from the inscriptions and enshrinement in the region. Inside the museum there are relics of an ancient Javanese Hindu civilizationin the 7th century until the 8th century, musiunKailasa itself inthe launch on July 28, 2008 by Ir Jero Wacik then served as Minister of Culture and TourismRepublic of Indonesia

Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

Glass road, Tianmen Mount

Glass road, Tianmen Mount

CHINA, State of China hasa very challenging attraction located in TianmenMountain, Zhangjiajie, China is a bridgemade ​​of transparent glass, glass bridgeis situated at an altitude of 4700 feet or 1,400meters above sea level. As you walk towards Mount Tianmen you will see a very different match cave in the middle of the road to the summit and called the gate of heaven, that's the reason why the mountainis called Tianmen which is literally a mountaingate of heaven.