Minggu, 15 April 2012

Great Wall China

Great Wall China
GreatWall of China have a tremendous long-reaching 6400 km, the building is also the longest building ever built by man in the building of this wall has a width of 5 m with a height of 8 m in the ancient times of development the wall is intended to avoid the attacks of the Mongols. At every 180-270 meter wall was built a tower that has reached 11-12 m Height. To Build a Wall of a very long this takes hundreds of years, the Wall was first built when the States are still at war and then the dynasty emperor Qin Shi-huang continued development and strengthening of this Great Wall. This wall construction also was stopped after the death of Emperor Qin Shi-huang which then go back to the Sui dynasty, and the last time in the continued construction of this wall in Ming Dynasty and the giant wall that we can see today is the result of development of the Ming dynasty, construction This building is made of a mixture of ground stone, brick and on top of this wall in the wake of a road with a width of 5 m as a way for the cavalry. 

In the 9th century BC the Chinese central government started to connect the fort and tower made as a guard post, connecting this wall has the objective to fend off attacks from northern ethnic Chinese. In those days a lot of countries are at war and to avoid attacks from other countries and then they built a giant wall on the border their country, in the end in the year 221 BC the emperor Qinshihuang managed to unite all of China and to keep the emperor Qinshihuang borders unites entire large wall built by the State prior to war. In those days the length of the wall of the giant peak at 5000 km even in the Han dynasty extended to 10,000 km, even according to the history of 2000 years ago the rulers at various times never stop building a giant wall so that the total wall is actually reached 50 thousand Km. Actually, a large wall that we can see now is a result of development of the Ming Dynasty. As part of this great wall of defense through a very difficult topography in the form of swamps, rivers, deserts and grasslands, the success of building a giant wall illustrates that the ancestors of the Chinese nation is the people who are very intelligent. 

On each wall of the connection are stored weapons and food, as well as weapons caches fire towers are also used as our resting place for soldiers, other than that if there is an attack from the enemy at night then it will light a fire tower as a sign, whereas if there attacks during the day then the tone aka smoke from the fire tower, in this way the news of the attack of the enemy can spread rapidly throughout the nation bloc. The architecture is very grand and very impressive of course we can see in important sectors such as border Wall Mount and the sea and mountain crevices. Now even though the great wall of defense but rather as a place as a tourist, but to the beauty of its architecture will always be incredibly awesome and illustrate how clever the Chinese nation at that time.

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