Sabtu, 24 Desember 2011

Gunung Tujuh Lake

Gunung Tujuh Lake
Gunung Tujuh Lake is a lake located in the village of Kayu Aro district Plompek Kerinci province regency in Jambi, the lake is situated at an altitude of 1996 m above sea level this type of lake caldera because formed by gunung tujuh that form a lake, with a height of 1996 m above sea level the lake It became the highest lake in Southeast Asia. The lake is often covered by fog this has in an area of approximately 960 ha with a length of about 4.5 km and 3 km wide, comfortable atmosphere of peace and peace will be the first impression when you visit this lake plus crystal clear water and surrounded by seven mountains further adds impression of peace for you. But the lake behind all Gunung Tujuh also keeps a mystery to the surrounding community, according to the community of this lake called Lake Kerinci magic because the water is always clean there is not even a leaf floating in a lake when a lot of trees around him even a guard a lake said that while flying aboard his ship amid lake spinning for no apparent reason. Communities around believing that the Gunung Tujuh Lakes is inhabited by spirits called Lbei magic and Saleh Sri Waiting with some of his followers that intangible tiger. Natural beauty of the lake that holds sun scenery is very beautiful sunrise with the cool air and contain the mystery of this very worth visiting.

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Indrayanti Beach

Indrayanti Beach

Indrayantibeach is a beach of white sand that conspires with some rocks that are very beautiful stunning beaches located in the district of Yogyakarta Tepus Gunungkidul beach is fairly clean enough because here there is a rule if there are visitors who dump littering will be fined by coastal managers Indrayanti this. When you visit this beach you do not have to worry about overheating when I want to enjoy the waves or confused to find a place to rest because at the shoreline Already, there are several gazebos for you to rest, if you want to play or   try jet sky beach managers also provide jet sky rental place and if you are already hungry here also provide stalls that provide a tantalizing taste of seafood other than that if you also want to enjoy the sunset you can also rent a place of lodging are available around the beach, complete Indrayanti beach vacation you will not be disappointed here.

Samas Beach

Samas Beach
Samas beach is one of the unique beaches and interes srigading contained in the Village, District Sanden or direction around Yogyakarta approximately 24 Km. deacon coast bias cald unique because there are the deltas of rivers and freshwater lakes that form the lake is used by communities to maintain and develop the fisheries such as prawns and also in use for breeding turtles that will be released back into the sea, than that for you who have a hobby of fishing here provides fishing places that are not less interesting is the existence of cultural tourism as Carnival Ceremony Tumuruning Maheso Suro, Labuhan alms sea, and some cultural performances can enjoyed on certain days with the admission that only RP.1100 per visitors of the beach is a tourist spot cheap but not cheap.

Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

Sekotong Beach

Sekotong Beach

For those of you who have a hobby of diving or diving you deserve to visit Sekotong to the beach. Sekotong beach is one of the tourist attraction famous for its underwater beauty of an unspoiled and very beautiful awake to natural, beach Sekotong located in Sekotong District of West Lombok regency, approximately 60 km from downtown Mataram or can in the travel by minibus trips using about 1.5-2 hours. Or bias we traveled through the Port of Nusa Penida, but with a longer time is about 3 hours, this beach has a wide stretch of white sand and clean which is still maintained its preservation with a region surrounded by hills which surround beaches, diving besides can in this region we can climb small hills around the beach and when you have arrived on the hill requires you enjoy incredibly can see the Bali Agung mountain that looks across the ocean and can also see the island (dyke) who are on the island of Lombok such as Gili Genting.

Blongas Gulf NTB

Blongas Gulf NTB
Gulf Blongas so-called Lonely Bay is a famous tourist attraction with underwater tours, Blongas Bay is located in the southernmost part of the island of Lombok famous with coral reefs are still awake, in this place there are also diving the famous place in the presence of sharks hammer shark species the bias reaches a length of 2 meters, but in addition to storing the beauty of this place also keeps the danger of underwater currents are very swift because was diving in this area only can certain months. Therefore in January to March diving is prohibited because the waves are very high and dangerous.

Baron Beach

Baron Beach

Baron beach is a beach in the area Wonosari, precisely located in the Village Kemadang Tanjungsari District, about 20 miles south of the city Wonosari or can be taken approximately 40 km from the city of Yogyakarta, Baron beach is also a beach resort is a favorite for tourists who come for This beach will be found other than that baron beach is also unique because it is formed starting from a small bay which is also named Baron bay yet again coupled with the meeting place between the fresh water from a river and sea water contained in the corner baron beach, sandy beaches This white is very convenient to visit especially for you who like to enjoy sea food, because here provide various processed sea food is very tasty and is a mainstay in this area is that of course Kakab soup tasty and worth the try. Baron Beach also save cultural treasures at the time of entering the month suro   you can enjoy the ceremony of Alms Sea.

Kuwaru Beach

Kuwaru Beach

Kuwaru beach is black sand beach in the village arrive Kuwaru Bantul regency of Yogyakarta District Srandakan or about 29 km from the city center, when we went to the beach this Kuwaru we can the south coast to enjoy the buzzing of the waves are very passionate, but a special on the beach This is the pine trees that lined the shore beautiful decorate there are also stalls that provide seafood or other foods we therefore can meals under tree pine while watching the waves and the roar of the sea breeze. It's an atmosphere that is very seldom you find when visiting other beaches, the beach was very unique.

Siung Beach

Siung Beach

Suing the beach is a beach that is formed from sea basin is flanked by two hills with cliffs with back ground steep hills decorated with reliefs of Karts is very possible as the location for rock climbing. The beach itself is located in the village Siung purwodadi District Tepus or about approximately 35 km from the City Wonosari with bitch that has been paved with good then you will not find the time constraints of wished for a vacation in this beach, the beach is so comfortable to be visited with waves that are not so high and clean white sand is perfect to relax and enjoy the atmosphere of peace, gusts of wind are increasingly making silent mind other than that at any given moment we are also biased view of art typical of the region commonly referred Tepus Doger art, truly beautiful beaches Siung.

Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Sorake Beach of South Nias

Saroke Beaches of South Nias
The impression is very peace impression we will feel when arrived feet in the sand beaches of South Nias Sorake that became a favorite tourist destinationwhen visiting northern Sumatra in particular   Sorake coast of South Nias, with sprawling sand beaches accompanied by coconut tree on its side, the suras of the waves when it hit the corals were seemed to be a music that contains a challenge to everyone who visited this beach especially for surfing sports fans because this beach is touted as   The second best spot after a Hawaiian beach in America, Beach located in the Village Saroke Botohilitano, sub-distric in the Gulf, Southern District Nias is often used as a venue for international-class surfing competitions with waves reaching a height of 15 m because it was immediately confronted with the Indian Indonesia, a very challenging course and right time to visit this beach is the month of June-July because in this month's best waves in the circumstances.

Scar Reff Sumbawa Island

Sumbawa Island
Sumbawa is an island east of Bali which is famous for its wild horses, but not only that because the particular Sumbawa and West Sumbawa Lakai areas have surf spots that have highly qualified surf world's most popular Scar Reff is located on the south coast Jelinggah and can be taken for approximately 20 minutes using a paddle boat, of course, very easy to accomplish. Scar Reef is a classic regional class surf spot, which of course is suitable for experienced surfers, with an average size of 12-18 feet high waves can even reach 24 feet that can be ridden as far as 150-200 meters very suitable for left-hander . For those of you who like snorkeling this facility you can also enjoy in the place was so amazing scenery, more than that if you want to spend time around Scar Reff here have been very easy to find a villa or inn lodging.

Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Siberut Island

Siberut Island
Mentawai Islands is a renowned tourist destination in the world for its beautiful beaches and quality waves which ranks third best, the best surfing locations are included in Siberut Island which is located approximately 155 km from the city of Padang or off the coast of West Sumatra is separated by a strait Mentawai. Siberut is also a national park that has four endemic primate species including bokkoi, Mentawai langur or joja, Bilou and Simakobu, but it is also angry squirrel species endemic to the island of Siberut and annoyed endemic bird species. When traveling archipelago Mentawai we will get a complete package because we can trace the forest while looking at the endemic, we can see the culture of the Mentawai people who are known for having a big house called UMA that can accommodate 30-80 people and of course the island has beautiful beaches and choppy namely extraordinary beaches and coastal Sagulubek Masilok, on the beach we can enjoy the waves that can be said of international class that makes the attraction of the World surfers, surfing in addition we also can dive or snorkel. It was complete it if we travel to Siberut island Mentawai Islands this.


Pempek (empek-empek) Palembang
Pempek is the typical food of the Palembang which is made ​​from a mixture of sago and fish, when we travel to Palembang area we would be very easy to find these foods from the five star hotels to toe in the corner of the city has an average pempek menu. At first pempek found by a musty old man is the designation for Chinese descent, was living on the outskirts of stale river musi Because he was concerned about watching the abundant catch of fish in the Musi River that has not been entirely put to good use, only limited and fried. He then tried other treatment alternatives. He mixing minced fish meat with tapioca flour, so that the resulting new food. At first the new food peddled by stale by cycling around the city at that time many buyers call stale as pitch ... apek empek.. so-called food-empek empek or pempek. Pempek today has some kind and well-known is "pempek submarine", ie tel ur chicken wrapped in dough pempek and fried in hot oil. There are others such as pempek lenjer, pempek round (or known by the name "ada'an"), pempek fish skin, pempek pistel (contents pepay a young slices that have been spiced stew), pempek small eggs, and pempek curly.

Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Gili Trawangan (trawangan island)

Gili Trawangan

Gili Trawangan or Trawangan Island is the largest village among the three other Gili, Gili Air and Gili Meno, Gili Trawangan has a length of 3 km and a width of 2 km with number of inhabitants reached 800 inhabitants. For business facilities gili Trawangan already have adequate facilities for those of you who like to dive here with activities such as scuba diving there are facilities that already have a PADI certificate, snorkeling, located on the northeast coast, benain kayaking, surfing there is also provided facilities for practice horseback riding. For those of you who are bored with the sound of motor vehicle noise Gili Trawangan be a great place to visit, because there is not allow use of a motor vehicle, which is commonly found there is a bicycle and cidomo (vehicles on appeal by the horse which is similar to the wagon)'s atmosphere that makes the attraction of local and foreign tourists to travel in Gili Trawangan.

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Weh Island

Weh Island
Weh Island Marine Park is located at the western end of Indonesia, in the city Earring. Weh island which is about 23 km from the city of Banda Aceh, the trip to tourist sites can be traveled for 2 hours using a Fery boat or 45 minutes when using speedboats. This marine park is inhabited by various species of soft coral or soft coral to a hard or hard corals with a condition that is very beautiful and well maintained, in addition to various kinds of colorful fish that inhabit the park was beautiful marine species including fish Dunsel , Tropet fish, Angel fish, Grope fish, fish Sergon, Parot fish and more. For those of you who have a hobby of diving, this place is very suitable for such activities because of the beauty beneath the sea is also supported by the facility which is sufficient then this place is not inferior to Bunaken or the other.


Rice  Megono Pekalongan

Megono is rice dishes Pekalongan very easy to find. Foods that combine between white rice and side dishes megono addition, raw material is the same as the warm yogyakarta young jackfruit, the difference is if it megono gudeg cooked in stir. The process of young jackfruit cut into small pieces and then washed mixed with grated coconut and stir (with a little oil in frying) megono own rice usually served with eggs Balado, sambal tauco, oreg tempeh (tempeh is cooked in a way similar with the stir) and plus the lodeh, is looming delicious? Please try, Rice Megono menu of course will make your appetite increase.

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011


Getuk Sokaraja

Getuk(traditional food) of Sokaraja Fry is an initial food inventions accidental, because in those days there was a wet vendor named Mr.Sanpringad getuk  ie a trader who has an idea getuk wet when wet coincidence getuk not sold out and if the leave will be stale, then fry  Mr.Sanpringad and sell it back and the results are very encouraging since it Getuk Fry became the typical food Sokaraja, Sokaraja itself is a village located about 8 km from the district Navan Banyumas district. Foods made ​​from boiled cassava in mixed coconut, brown sugar and in packaging with baskets (a type of bamboo matting) is very suitable to be a souvenir when visiting Banyumas district, particularly Sokaraja area.


Gudeg Yogyakarta

When we travel to the city of Yogyakarta is certainly a first thought and Gudeg Malioboro. Yogyakarta is a typical warm foods that are very well known that the bias found in the corners of the city of Yogyakarta, food made ​​from young jackfruit cut into small pieces and cooked in coconut milk with herbs and spices for several hours and after mature on serve with egg, chili sauce, boiled, tofu, and chicken bacem(traditional food) opor bacem or chicken(traditional food) and doused with a savory areh that gives a distinctive taste is often a culinary that can not be left out of the Travellers are present in Yogyakarta.


Dawet Ayu Banjarnegara

Dawet Ayu is a very easy drink that you encounter when you travel to Banjarnegara regency of Central Java. Dawet Ayu itself consists of the dawet preparations of rice, which is mixed with sugar, sugar is usually mixed with durian or jackfruit aroma which of course makes the audience of culinary addicted to drink it again, with the final touches of pure coconut milk spray will also make a drink This is perfect to drink when hot or when breaking the fast.

Selasa, 13 Desember 2011

Sempu Island

Island Sempu
Malang, besides famous for her apple fruits was also storing natural beauty, one of which is Sempu Island, which lies in the poor southern town about 70 km are the main objectives when tourists come to this island is a very beautiful lagoon called immediately seedlings, in immediately around seedlings contained high cliff that limit with the Indian Ocean waves that have a malignant, but we are safe when they want to swim in the ocean puppies that have the clear blue water, because there are no sources of water waves one of these puppies soon come from a reef with the hole in the wall of coral reef encircling this soon is too soon add exotic puppies not yet added to the panorama view at the bottom of the sea is quite interesting is suitable for the hobbyist clean snorkeling and beaches are very comfortable to play around and enjoy the atmosphere reassuring.

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011


When we heard about the tour on the island of Sumba is definitely the first thought is ikat or well-known horse, but make no mistake, Sumba also have a unique natural tourist attractions and exciting beach Ratenggaro one of them is located in the District of Kodi, a trip around one hour from the city Waikabubak you already get to this exotic place, a beach with shades of blue are very artistic, clean white sand and gentle is also surrounded by stone cliffs are low, the other is the uniqueness of this beach lies exactly at the mouth of the river the water is clear blue. But it's not just that we can enjoy while visiting this beach because you can also enjoy cultural tourism because there still are megalithic stone graves, and also can observe the traditional Sumba houses that have a high roof, complete Ratenggaro Coast charm.

Kamis, 08 Desember 2011


Peucang Island is an island or the name of the most beautiful places in the national park west end, Peucang name itself comes from a kind of snails are often found in beach lips. The locals used to call it "eye Peucang". Peucang but also is a term contained in Sunda language deer animals that have meaning, there is an island in the strait panaitan Bantam Pandeglang district has a tourist attraction that is a very beautiful and big coral is dead there is a hole where the middle-middle community called" hollow rock "which means rock cavities favorite activities here are diving under the sea because of the charm of this place is still up with the fish varies, for you who like fishing, here is also a fishing spot have enough. As part of the national park at the west end of this place can be found a variety of wildlife such as deer, bull, peacock green, and monkey.


Perhaps the name was unfamiliar Cubadak island in your mind, maybe less popular of the islands or island anyer nymph, but of no less tourist charm of these islands, even charm is amazing. Even though not widely known people do not think there is no adequate facilities for beach there on the outskirts villas inn where we can relax while watching the ocean, because many sea-facing villa, villa facilities are also very good, we can drink water straight from the sink, we can take a cold shower or hot. For entertainment as well as water sports can be enjoyed on this island is diving, windsurfing, sailing, snorkeling, water skiing or canoeing can climb. Really you will feel peace and contentment while visiting the island in Sumatra this.

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011


Tidung island is divided into two large islands and island Tidung Tidung smaller of the two parts of the island is only inhabited island Tidung great is that while there is a small island Tidung white sand beaches are clean and beautiful, while the connection between the two islands there is a bridge that has a name quite unique is a "bridge of love".Out of nowhere the origin of the name, but the community is called the bridge connecting the island Tidung large and small with the name of the bridge of love. With a location not far from the capital Jakarta exactly 2 hours drive passenger boat from the port of Muara Angke of course this place is very strategic for the tour especially for those who like diving or snorkeling because the island offers a captivating underwater scenery in clear water , then the coral reef and its inhabitants ornamental fish sea floor will look more beautiful and charming.

Senin, 05 Desember 2011


Perhaps the Indonesian nation, especially the fighters will not forget about the arrival of the Dutch who carve a deep wound pain. But the arrival of Dutch is also the one who makes Indonesia is rich in the history of one of Van Der Wijck is fortress, the castle is located in located in Gombong with about 21 km from the district Kebumen,   Central Java, or 100 km from Borobudur Temple,   Magelang, was built in 1818 with an area of approximately 3606 square meters with a height of 9.67 meters and serves as a defense of the Dutch at that time, Van Der Wijck name taken from a Dutch officer who is considered meritorious because it succeeded in commanding troops while defeating fighters in Aceh. To be able to enjoy the historical records in the fortress of Van Der Wijck you just pay Rp. 4 thousand on weekdays and Rp. 5 thousand on holidays, of course the numbers are very cheap to enjoy the splendor of the fort and learn about the history, and appreciate the history them.

Minggu, 04 Desember 2011


Plekung beach can be called as a beach that should be attempted by those of you who have a hobby of surfing, because have a very high tide. The beach is located in Banyuwangi, East Java, or included in Alas Purwo National Parks by foreign surfers often called the G-land that might mean is The Seven Gian Wonder Waves or Great land because it is one of the world's best waves. Waves Beach Plekung divided into three levels of the lowest named many tracks with 3-4 m high, the second is speed is with 5-6 m high, and the third or the most challenging is the Kong with a height of 6-8 m, with waves varies it is possible for the professional or beginner surfers. For those of you who want to visit the beach plekung should choose a time in July-September, because in these months the surf conditions are very good.

Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011


Jungwok beach is white sand beach is located approximately 25 km to the south of the city of Yogyakarta Wonosari Gunungkidul, the beach is located in District jungwok Subo Giri, Gunungkidul or on the east Wediombo beach. The beach is classified as a unique beach and the beach looks attractive because of large rock a few feet from the beach, rocks, named the stone cap is also biased to ride or if you have a hobby of rock, fishing hat is also a fishing spot favorite because the place is beautiful. But the beach jungwok not only has a cap rock, but the beaches are also very beautiful and attractive with clean white sand other than that if we play on the beach we can see sharing of marine life such as starfish, ornamental fish are chasing. This beach is also very suitable for you who want to experience peace, because the place is not so exposed, accompanied by a row of pandanus plants will add pacefull liver. Jungwok beach tourism potential that store like the beauty of heaven.



For the surfers beach this one is worth the try, because the waves are high as if challenging the surfers to ride. Wediombo beach located about 25 km to the south of the city Wonosari Gunungkidul Yogyakarta, located in the village beach Wediombo Jepitu, District Subo Giri, District of South Mountain. Wediombo words in Indonesian language means a broad sand, beaches with white sand is in addition to the surfers too indulgent pampering for those of you who like photography because the beach adjoining the hill overlooking the karts is exactly westward can that means you can enjoy a beautiful sunset, but it you can also see various kinds of exquisite ornamental fish that adorn the edge of this beach. What a natural beauty that is so complete this beach, great waves for surfers, sunset and also ornamental fish to the photographers and also a clean white sand, makes you say disappointed Wediombo vacation to the beach.

Jumat, 02 Desember 2011



LUHUR CIKASO waterfall located in the Village Cibitung, District Cibitung, Sukabumi. About 8 kilometers from Surade, 15 kilometers from Jampang Kulon, 30 kilometers from Ujunggenteng, and about 110 kilometers from the city of Sukabumi.   To get to the location of the waterfall can be traveled by foot as far as 1 km, and travel through the river with a boat ride with a time of 10 minutes, with travel costs Rp. 80 000 for round trips. Waterfall   This is so exquisite and so fascinating is seen. Water droplets flying from a height of about 100 meter very remedy. Truly sensational. The water is clear so tempting. Anyone would be tempted to frolic with water nan nodes that emit a greenish color it will make us hypnotized by the sight of yet another exquisite condition so makes us happy to enjoy this natural beauty.   Besides enjoying the beauty of the waterfall, you can jolly boating, camping, outbound, or just eating really saying tourism potential if we do not put it to the list of places we are visit. It is impressive.


The waterfall is located 4 km from the town of Bau-Bau. Waterfall which is Kokalukuna River flow has a height of about 6 meters in width along the river approximately 5 meters. Water flows from the top through the large stones into the pond that has been formed with a length of 10 m and 7 m wide complete with a board like a swimming pool slide. This place is a favorite, especially for children and is usually visited on holiday, so when visiting on weekdays quiet and peaceful atmosphere we will get there because there are only a few visitors only. Waterfall is a favorite citizens because in addition to its strategic location is also cheap. Guest rates apply only for Rp.2.000 and even during off-season rates apply to holiday visitors are not a dime. "Usually the only holiday there a guard and cites (to collect fees), the best way to enjoy the Tirta Jungle Waterfall is by standing under a stream of water near large rocks, because the water is not too heavy so it is quite comfortable to stand on below it. The water here is also very clear because this place is one of conservation areas under the supervision of the Ministry of Forestry. Although the waterfall is not very high but the scenery is on offer is very indulgent eye as well as a cheap tourist.


Regions Moramo Waterfall is located in the Cape Nature Reserve Peropa Konawe South, Southeast Sulawesi, or rather in the village of Sari Resources, District Moramo. To reach the location of the waterfall can be reached by land vehicles or directly from Monginsidi Airport (located in the South Konawe). to the village of Sari Resources and proceed on foot along the 2 KM. Cool, calm and amazing, that's the first impression of this waterfall in the region. From an altitude of 100 meters Moramo Waterfall flowing main level that includes seven categories of multilevel waterfall (cascade) is very beautiful. In addition to the seven main levels, there are also 60 small levels that looked like a small pool of water that flows resting place is. and at the last level is a perfect place for bathing baptism. with accompanied by various birds, butterflies, colorful, and various other animals. lacks the waterfall noise that creates peace song, chirping birds Meandering and dance combined with colorful butterflies really add colorful charm of this waterfall. Besides the facilities on offer is sufficient. This area is already equipped cottage in the waterfall area for a place to rest while watching the waterfall as well as peace and coolness pervades the natural surroundings. It's incomparable charm.



Malela waterfall or waterfall is a waterfall that is still hidden, new were found six years ago, when the location of this waterfall from Bandung district towards the west to halu mount, its distance about 40 km, precisely in  Manglid village, Cicadas Village, District cavity, Bandung Regency the West. Malela waterfall is a waterfall with a height of about 40 meters with a width of more than 50 meters. Waterfall with water discharge high reminds me of the new Niagara Falls can watch it on television. This location is crowded on Sundays or holidays. Waterfalls are still relatively new is very stunning with a staircase-type steps and decorated with beautiful stones worth when we refer to this waterfall Indonesian niagara.

Rabu, 30 November 2011


Kelimutu Lake is a lake that has three colors. Flores says Derived from the origin of the word 'keli' which means mountain and 'quality' which means to boil, this is a crater lake located in Mount Flores, the island of Flores, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The lake is located in the core zone of National Park this Kelimutu , consists of three lakes namely, Tiwu Ata Polo, Tiwu Nuamuri Koo Fai, danTiwu Mbupu Ata. A unique, all three have different colors, namely red, blue, and white. Not only that, the colors were constantly changing with the passage of time. Wonders who owned Lake Flores proved quite controversial, because the locals believe that the color change that occurred was in fact a sign of coming distress. As happened in 1992. At that time, after the color of the water at Lake Flores changed, any massive earthquake rocked Flores to lead thousands of lives lost. Meanwhile, according to the researchers, the color changes that occur that are caused by soil chemical processes that are part of the Flores volcanic activity. But for the lovers of the beauty of the theory of color changes in the lake is not too important thought can enjoy how wonderful lake, the lake is beautiful, clean place to make this feasible in the lake made ​​the mainstay of tourism.


Bromo Mount
 Bromo Mount is a mountain that offers exotic natural charm, located in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in the eastern city of Malang, East Java. With the temperature here reached 10 degrees Celsius, then you will feel a different sensation when which down from your vehicle, even the temperature here can reach 0 degrees Celsius, but enjoy the scenery in the form of a gently sloping sand and beautiful, your love of photography will also be highly tuned biased sunrise from the summit of the mountain you enjoy Pananjakan, which is the highest peak in the area. That's what makes a lot of local tourists visiting the region of Mount Bromo and even many foreign tourists who come to see the sunrise. Finished enjoying the sunrise, you can go back down the mountain and towards Mount Bromo Pananjakan. To reach the foot of Mount Bromo, you can not use the vehicle. Instead, you should hire a horse at a price of Rp 70,000, after it   You have to climb the stairs that number reached 250 stairs to see the crater of Mount Bromo smoke. You can also cast your gaze down, and saw the sea of sand with a temple in its midst. It's really incredibly rare blend of exotic sand and charm of the crater of Mount Bromo really spoil the eye.


Sundak Beach
Sundak Beach Is a white sandy beach in the area Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta precisely in the village district Sidoharjo Tepus. Is along the line of the south coast lined with beaches Kukup, Krakal, Drini, and Baron Beach. According to legend Sundak word comes from the ASU, which means dogs and hedgehogs are fighting each other
Grains of clean white sand stretching along the shore, waiting for the waves that caress as if running a race to caress exquisite white sand beaches, all of it, giving comfort the eye that sees. Blow   cool wind caressing the leaves waving at the end of the branches that grow around the coast of soothing peace seekers. Stretch of white sand beaches decorated with beautiful corals become playgrounds captivating marine life nan adorable. Coral Coast guard stood firm as Sundak the rigors of the surf. Limestone hills in the background adds to the coast the towering beauty of sea and land meeting the south coast of Java. Sundak is, one of the natural charm Gunungkidul still buried, with an abundance of charm are saying if we do not enjoy.


Siuang beach is one beach located in Mountain area south of Yogyakarta, precisely in the area of ​​the village Wates Purwodadi Tepus District, about 45 minutes south of the mountain. Siung beach is a beautiful beach with views of the hills on either side of the beach, we climb the hill is also biased and will get amazing scenery, different from the other beaches are just biased enjoyed from the beach. Besides cleaning the beach is also quite awake, and therefore often used as a beach suing the local tourist attraction, especially on Saturday and Sunday or national holidays. In addition you can also try rock climbing which height can reach 1000 m not very challenging. With the price of admission just Rp. 3000 beach is very worthy of being a tourist destination.

Selasa, 29 November 2011



Punai Coast - Cape Kelumpang, East Pacific Islands. The beach area who has a very charming scenery on the island of Billiton. With a distance of about 60 km from downtown, the beach can pigeon time is approximately 40 minutes, with good roads and almost no obstruction (blocked).
The beach is really different from other nursing-coast, with the mainland that have rocks varies size, we can see the sunset on the rocks. Plus a peaceful beach atmosphere, cool and of course very clean makes us linger at home enjoying the sunset. Photography is a hobby for damages if they do not visit these attractions.


 Perhaps the name was unfamiliar Senggigi beach in the ears of fans of Senggigi Beach Lombok because the tour includes one of the many tourist attractions visited by local and foreign tourists. Create a vacation with the family is suitable if you visit the beach this one. The location is exactly Senggigi beach in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. The beach is located 12 kilometers northwest of the city of Mataram is indeed a tourist attraction famous for its beautiful beaches and naturalness. Many people who judge the beauty of this Senggigi beach with beautiful beaches in Indonesia. Like the beach of Kuta, Legian and Sanur. Some people even judge if the beauty of the Senggigi beach is more than the beaches. because the condition is much more comfortable and quiet. Perhaps this is related to the arrival of foreign tourists has not been rampant in this beach.
Senggigi beach does offer a unique charm. Natural atmosphere that has not been overwhelmed by foreign tourists, as a marker of difference this coast with the beaches in Bali. It certainly gives the feel of its own for the visitors. Not surprisingly, this beach is now a new alternative destination to the tourists who missed the atmosphere of silence again. Natural atmosphere of the beach at sunset, looking very exotic, even according to some people is almost perfect, certainly not inferior to the Kuta beach. for those who prefer the tranquility of this beach is worth a visit inserted into the list last week. It's beautiful Senggigi Beach.



Baturraden is a natural tourist spot that became the mainstay of Banyumas district. This attraction is located in the northern city of Noida right on the southern slopes of Mount Slamet, because it is situated on the slopes of the mountain makes this region has a cool air and tend to be very cold especially at night. Baturraden is also a tourist area visited by many local and foreign tourists, especially on Sundays and national holidays. These conditions led to many hotels and villas with adequate facilities established here.
Baturraden can be reached by using private or public. The distance of Navan town about 20 miles and can be reached within 15 minutes with traffic that is not too dense. If you want to use public transport tourists can ride public transportation from the terminal in Navan and get off at the terminal tour Baturraden. If you want more practical travelers can use a taxi.
In Baturraden tourists can enjoy the beautiful scenery and fresh mountain air with a temperature of 18 ° C-25 ° C. Sights in Baturaden include:

Hot Water Baths:
Shower 3 (Barbadensis): hot water containing sulfur is in great demand of tourists, but also warmth usefulness to address various skin diseases and bone.
Shower 7 (Pitu): located 2.5 km from Baturraden. It presents a place of recreation and natural beauty of the forest which is supported by the presence of 7 as a tourist Shower Husada.

Sunyi Lake  
quiet lake situated ± 3 km in the east Baturraden. This recreation area provides a beautiful lake with crystal clear water conditions and clean, and in certain seasons we can see colorful butterflies and dragonflies are flying around the lake which
 would further add to the elegance Lake of the Lonely.

Cipendok Waterfall
Middle Reef is located in the village Cilingok district, approximately 25 miles from the town of Navan. Natural attractions in the form of a waterfall with a height of 92 m, surrounded by natural scenery and beautiful forests, crystal clear water conditions and the cool air will make us feel at home for a long time playing water.

Jumat, 25 November 2011



Merdada lake is the largest lake in Dieng Plateau Area Tourism approximately 25 hectares with a depth of 20-10 meters.
Lake that has backgroun green hills, fungi and plants typical of the Dieng add scenic beauty of this lake. For the tourists are provided canoes for rent around the lake and fishing facilities are crystal clear lake is also the natural coolness and beauty of the flowers around the lake to make tourists feel at home for long in this lake.

Rabu, 23 November 2011

Serayu Adventure Indonesia

Serayu Adventure Indonesia
       Special interest tours rafting is located in the River District Serayu Banjarnegara Tunggoro precisely from the Village to Village Singomerto, District Sigaluh with the travel route 12 km.
Accommodation facilities and souvenirs are available in a typical village along the highway, and this Serayu River flows adjacent to the highway Tunggoro - Singomerto.
Rafting is considered very good by the National Rafting athletes so in 1997 at this location serve as the location of Whitewater cascade and one National Championship in 2010 as the location international championship.

Kukup Beach

Kukup Beach

Kukup beach is white sandy beaches are beautiful and spacious, there are a variety of marine ornamental fish, especially those sold by traders at the edge of the Coastal alluvium or marine aquarium maintained in the building located on one area at the beach alluvium. Here also there is a small coral island on which there is a substation of view to enjoy the beauty of the sea.
Existing facilities including the pavilion for meetings, cottage, hotel jasmine, food stalls, and stalls for souvenirs, ornamental fish traders, and traders of fish ready to eat. Local people also perform the ceremony handouts at the same time the sea with fishermen Baron Beach. Coastal alluvium is Less More about 25 km to the south of the City Wonosari. If from Yogyakarta to the beach this alluvium takes about 1.5 hours using a four wheel vehicle Two Wheels. to get to the beach alluvium Public transport is also there.

krakal Beach

Krakal Beach
Krakal beach is located at Krakal village Ngestirejo Subdistrict Tanjung Sari Village Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta or 37 kilometers south of downtown Wonosari.The beach is wide and longest beaches among other beaches, and is located 2 km east Coast Drini. sparkling white sand that stretches along the coast is perfect for enjoying the sea air while doing sports activities, while enjoying the beauty of the sea and look for biota sea ​​with a small net that are sold there. At certain times there are treats tourist attraction in the open stage at the seaside. with adequate facilities have. This beach paradise is called feasible.